General price information
- The prices vary depending on room or apartment, number of persons, length of stay and season.
- All prices are for a minimum of two nights.
- Extra charge for just one night: 10,00 EUR a day/a person
- For single use in a double room extra charge is 10,00 EUR a day.
- Children's discounts in the room with the parents:
- Children from 0 to 1,99: free
- Children from 2 to 3,99: 60% reduction
- Children from 4 to 7,99: 40 % reduction
- Children from 8 to 12,99: 20 % reduction
- The crib is 5,00 EUR per night.
- Pets on request, extra charge for pets 5,00 EUR a day (feeding excluded)
- Room cleaning included in price
- Bed linen and towels are included in the price
From 01.01.2024 all prices apply additionally 2,60 EUR per person per night (commune fee).